223rd Day of successive abuse of my abducted, missing child

The clauses of the 1297 Magna Carta still on statute :

29. NO Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor condemn him, but by lawful judgement of his Peers, or by the Law of the land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right

Deborah Stewart, her trainee lawyer and her corrupt family of child molesting, drug-abusers, are trying to use the law (regulatory statutes) to get away with child abuse and child abduction etc
In addition to physically abusing our child, Deborah Stewart has completely de-railed our child’s life and reduced his standard of living; …abducting him, renaming him, letting her own child molesting father groom him, alienating our son from his father and father’s side of the family. Hiding our child from his father and keeping him from his home,,,, then using him to bait and aggravate, extort and random AND EMOTIONALLY TORTURE ME. Subjecting him to their abuse, poverty, rotten amounts of mental illnesses and corruption, drug-abuse and deception and lies.
Once these sick people have collected and compiled enough reactions from me to what my child and I are being subjected to, they are heading straight over to court to try and further their cover up campaign and justify why the CHILD DEBORAH STEWART PHYSICALLY ABUSED, ABDUCTED, EXPOSED TO MORE HARM, RENAMED, HID FROM HIS FATHER, KEPT FROM HIS HOME, USED FOR RANSOM ETC …IS BETTER OF IN HER CAPTIVITY THAN BEING RETURN TO HIS HOME AND FATHER (AND FOR PROPER, LAWFUL CONSENT AND ARRANGEMENTS TO BE MADE FOR OUR CHILD AND HIS LIFE)
The people who are exploiting this fragile sick woman and her inability to care for our child to any reasonable standard are sick. The ones helping her to get away with child abuse and abduction and trying to help her make her own child fatherless and poor and deceived ARE SICK! This woman refuses to come and sit down over a cup of coffee and resolve our differences and raise our child together in peace. She insists on deceit, drama, abuse, malice, corruption, harm and loss. I HAVE NEVER KNOW A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL TO BE SUCH A MENACE IN SOCIETY! I have never witnessed anyone cause so much harm to her own child, young family and family as a whole.

My position remains unchanged!
The state does not have the proper consent to govern my child. It has been obtained by abducting him and disregarding my letter of conditional acceptance.
He has been contracted by way of coercion and terrorism of him mother who resorted to physical abuse and abduction of our child in order to contract him. There has not been a proper, democratic, satisfactory response to our joint-letter of conditional acceptance to the registrar: http://issuu.com/hywelapbuckler/docs/first_reponse_to_registry_office_08
There is also no benefit in me acting with legal title as a citizen of the United Kingdom because you do not give father’s any rights nor will my MP sign EDM210 to get political reform. And even when we get 100+ MP’s to sign EDM 210, parliament and David Cameron don’t do anything to acknowledge it and address the matter in parliament. So I operate with equitable title, under the common law of Britain and our Magna Carta Charter, in absolute ‘lawful’ rebellion of what my child and I are being subjected to by a physically and emotionally abusive and passive aggressive, psychotic, deceitful woman,,,, in her capacity as a citizen and mother. Power she chooses to abuse.
What Deborah is doing is abuse of a child and is an attempt to get away with child abuse.
Our child is not fatherless. She has ex-communicated me from his life, dragged this matter into the court where I have no rights as a father. Where my common law argument is NOT BEING HERD BY THE COURT, WHO KEEP ASCRIBING LEGAL TITLE TO ME AND FULFILLING THE MOTHERS REQUESTS TO SYSTEMATICALLY MAKE MY ABDUCTED, MISSING SON FATHERLESS! Most of what Deborah is doing to this child is in direct violation of the articles of human rights for children.  PHYSICAL ABUSE, ABDUCTION, DEPRIVING OUR CHILD OF HIS FATHER ***AND MY CULTURE, BELIEFS AND LANGUAGE***.  USING OUR CHILD FOR RANSOM *** I WILL NOT ENTER INTO LEGAL CONTRACT**

Deborah is evidently a malicious, abusive mother. Her father is a suspected child molester. 

They have lost me and my son our home, new home and kept us apart for 223 days. Refusing to say where he is, how he’s developing, OR IF HE IS EVEN STILL ALIVE. Deborah has used me for a child and is now attempting to go about her day at the expense of our child and his rights and freedoms. This is this is a complete dis-service to our new child. 

The state, the court, Deborah’s lawyer, her family etc ASSUME THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO MY CHILD, ME, OUR LIFE OF PEACE TOGETHER, IN OUR HOME. I deny you all this assumed right of access. Deborah Stewart is misguided and not ready to be a mother to a child. This woman cannot look after herself, nor is she able to exist in society without recourse because of the severity of her abusiveness, illness and malice.

I demand Deborah, by her own accord, STOP DOING THIS TO OUR CHILD, OUR YOUNG FAMILY AND ME! I am in absolute protest of this attack on the bond between me and my son, our civil liberties and our RIGHT TO LIVE IN PEACE, IN OUR HOME TOGETHER, IN OUR COUNTRY. AND OUR RIGHT TO CHOSE WHO WE ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH !!!!!
Deborah turns to the state before turning to her own child’s father for resolution because she is weak, she is using statute law to try getting away with child abuse. She is not ready to care for our child, put his needs first or care for him to any reasonable standard. She has already exposed him to emotional, physical and sexual harm. Deborah and her family have drug abuse issues as well as a cycle of abuse which has already caused my infant son so much harm and loss. They have attacked our home, business and kept us apart for a successive 223 days for purposes of malice and abuse.
I am willing and able to fulfil my responsibilities, care and love my child, and my family and my child’s step mother are looking forward to meeting my son, once he is returned to his home and father and our lives of peace. I continue to be a voice for my abused, abducted and missing son to the complete detriment. There’s has been an attack on my business, homes, civil liberties, right to free speech, lawfully rebel, right to freedom of expression. Despite this my position remains unchanged and I will continue to expose to the world what my child and I are being subjected to. It’s not democratic, it’s unlawful, it’s unconstitutional, it’s not consensual. 
Will someone communicate with me. For the 223rd Day. WHERE IS MY ABDUCTED SON, IS HE EVEN STILL ALIVE?  

Why am I under indirectly under legal attack. Why can nobody communicate with me directly and resolve this directly. Cowards, the lot of you! I DID NOTHING BUT LOVE AND CARE AND PROVIDE FOR MY CHILD AND HIS HANDICAP MOTHER BEFORE SHE ABUSED AND ABDUCTED HIM, STOLE OUR CASH AND BEGAN HER MALICIOUS CAMPAIGN TO DISCREDIT AND TORTURE ME. 



I’m Powerless as a British father! ….My son is Defenceless!

36 thoughts on “223rd Day of successive abuse of my abducted, missing child”

  1. Do you really think you are helping your case ? Whatever misguided legal ideas you have ( such as thinking that them addressing you as 'Mr' means that any legal decisions won't be binding ) you need to work within the existing legal framework in the UK. You know, the laws EVERYONE ELSE has to abide by.

    If you go into a court with your attitude and beliefs, they will laugh you out, and you are more likely to harm your chances of getting access as you come across as deluded and mentally ill.

    Also running away to a foreign country doesn't show much seriousness in wanting to be a part of your sons life ? how are you going to stick to any access order, fly over once a week ?


  2. And FGS please learn how patronymic names are used in Welsh ! just adding 'ap' to your surname doesn't make you big of clever !


  3. When this guy goes postal I think people will look back at some of his Facebook and blog posts and will wonder why they didn't see it coming.


  4. I suppose I'm something different for your boring ordinary lives.
    Keep trying to keep the truth from my child.
    Good luck to you all Stewart family.
    My abducted, missing child might learn a load of old toast from growing up in your abuse, but I will give him something more valuable in his life. The ability to unlearn his abductors, captors and abusers garbage.
    If you have to steal a child and hide him from his father and keep him from his home and call police and mislead courts you're weak and pathetic. So my child's weak and pathetic, exploited and malicious mother can keep doing what she's doing. I want no part in it. It's a complete dis service to our child. Trying to cover up child abuse, abduction, grooming and the general risk his mother and grandfather pose at the expense of him having his daddy is sick and something he will grow up hating you all for. RETURN MY CHILD TO HIS HOME AND FATHER. Keep your cycle of family abuse, deceit, force and control away from my child and young family. Deborah is too weak to give you all the middle finger. I'm not so weak and pathetic. FUCK YOU! …..from DAD!


  5. I cloned this blog another 100 times this evening and torrented it again, just to be sure this all makes it to my boy. And trust me when I say, the whole of Otley and the surrounding area will know about Deborah and the child she only has because she abused, abducted and hid from his discredited father. That sick woman shouldn't be able to make it 10 yards without someone throwing something at her. Deborah now lives a life of shame, she should hang her head in shame each time she steps out of wherever she's hiding. What a failure of a mother


  6. So how will it work ? It's all well and good you saying 'return my child to his father' – you live in the Dominican Republic. The courts will not give you sole custody while you are in a foreign country as this would prevent the mother having visitation rights.

    Do you honestly think your behaviour will endear you to the courts ?

    You burned the bed and smashed up all the furniture in the house.
    You have threatened them with 'your soldiers'.
    You ran away to another country rather than stay in the UK and answer the allegations against you.
    You have no income other than investors money that you are using to fund your lifestyle abroad

    You really need to lose your massive superiority complex and belief that you can avoid UK laws just by thinking they don't apply to you if you want ANY chance of being able to have access to your son. 😦


  7. Not content with the Magna Carta, Mr Buckler is now inventing the Magna Carta 2. I can not wait to see what this fruit loop adds this!


  8. FYI – http://zeenews.india.com/news/world/magna-carta-ii-to-mark-800-years-of-rights_941644.html

    PS – How you enjoying the recordings. It really get's fun towards labour, Debs has the sickest things going on in her head. So glad I kept an achieve, I knew I'd need them against this nefarious whore. Saying how she wan't to commit suicide and kill Milo before he's born, the abuse and insults she gives me. I don't want this Deborah, but if you and your family want a war I'll give you one you won't forget. The other option is we get back to our private life and raising our child in peace. I'm easy either way. From my Caribbean villa.


  9. Anything said during Labour is completely unsubstantiated, do you have any idea the pain a woman goes through when they give birth. As a man I can only imagine, but having been in extreme pain after an injury I can sympathize that a lot of things get said that are meaningless and should not be used out of context.

    You really are the lowest specimen I have come across. Do the world a favour and either disappear or come back to the UK and stand against your charges like a man!


  10. I bet you thought you had it all worked out? with your stories and your lawyer and your games.
    You picked the wrong man and his son Stewart Family.
    I'm not becoming involved in anything you people are doing to this child, it's sick!
    Physical abuse, deception, lies, misleading authorities…..the last act of a dying breed.
    Deborah Stewart has committed common law offences against our child and me, his father.
    I will make it known, even if I have to fight to the death. This is no way to treat MY CHILD!
    WHERE HAVE YOU TAKEN HIM? IS HE EVEN STILL ALIVE? 225th Day and counting, you sick bastards.


  11. New soundbite for you all to enjoy. One of Deborah's many meltdown's, showing exactly how unfit she is to be a mother or care for the abducted, child she abused and continues to hold captive and hide from his father.


  12. When you get a chance checkout my book Deadbeat Moms it's not just about money by Naomi Brunner..the book is based on child abuse


  13. Here are a few for starters!

    Fabrication of false evidence


    Public nuisance

    Outraging public decency

    Conspiracy to defraud

    Conspiracy to corrupt public morals

    Conspiracy to outrage public decency


  14. Maybe if you came back to the UK, appeared in court and tried to get visitation rights then you would get to see him, know where he is, and that he is alive ?

    Whatever issues you have with your ex and her family, you are hurting your son by not making a proper effort to be there and see him. Rather than banging on about what a bad, unstable mother she is, why don't you highlight the positive things you can offer your son, as you seem to be missing that at the moment


  15. Ah so reading your post above, you have outstanding warrants in the UK ? so this is why you won't return ?

    Also what is all that bollocks about charging the council £200,000 a month ? you are just making yourself look ridiculous, and will make them think that you can't be dealt with seriously


  16. We'll see how seriously they take me when I start taking the money. I'm not paying a penny, signing any forms, pleading (begging), or meeting any of the demands of anyone who has abused and abducted my son from his father and home BECAUSE THIS IS RANSOM. The honourable thing for my child's malicious, abusive, controlling mother and her family to do is to return him to his father and home, drop all their efforts to discredit, frame and criminalise me from my son's life and just consult me on what they want to do with my child so that proper consent and planning and arrangements can be made. I won't give into tyranny, ransom or extortion from people who have abused, abducted, renamed, hidden, alienated, groomed, enslaved, drugged MY SON! I will continue to quantify the harm and loss these misguided people are causing my defenceless son and his powerless father . So far it's been 226 days. You know they said my son's not going to know much of what's happened because he's only 6 month old. That's their beliefs, being imposed onto my abducted, missing child. I still remember things from when I was about 3 months old. // I just read about a child who was left in a hot car, strapped in a car sear and BOILED TO DEATH. Imagine what that child went through? Seriously imagine….that's the emotional torture and suffering my child and I are going through 226th DAY. My child's abductors, captors, ransomers and abusers have no mercy doing this to me and my son. They are pure EVIL!


  17. The attempt to turn this into child access, criminal or legal matter is deceit and deception and an attempt to cover up these sick peoples crimes against me and my abducted, missing, abused child and his life which they continue to de-rail, FOR THE 226TH DAY. I am his voice. FOR MY SON I SAY: he has been physically abused (violent gripped), maliciously kept from meeting another child, his father and father's side of the family, renamed, hidden, enslaved, drugged, stripped of his inherent title, estate, rights and freedoms…. and used for ransom and emotional torture so his mother can get away with these crimes at the expense of him having his father and other human rights. FOR MY SON I SAY: “”” help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help”


  18. Milo's dad is nothing you people will control, but keep trying ransom, abduction, abuse, misleading police and courts or trying to excommunicate me from my own child to dis incentivise me from being a voice for my missing boy. I WILL NEVER STOP PROTESTING AGAINST WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO ME AND MY SON, AND THE WAYS YOU ARE DOING IT. NOR WILL I GIVE UP ON HIM : 225TH Day and counting. Milo will be online soon, your time and opportunity to redeem yourselves for what you are all doing to me and my son, is running out.


  19. You say you want to sort things out and arrange access etc… They are obviously only interested in doing this through the courts, so play their game and go along and give your side of the story. Posting on your blog ranting about it all isn't going to get your son back. Regardless of if you agree with the laws they are using, they are the ones in force in the UK, where your son is now, so go and fight for him as at the moment you are doing nothing constructive.

    When he is older what are you going to tell him ? 'yes son, I would have arranged access to see you, but I preferred to stay in another country, post things on the internet and not bother fighting for you' ? You are getting like a stuck record and really only focusing on how it effects YOU not your son


  20. Who is the step mother to your child,what a prostitute?. No difference there as your sisters are prostitutes and riddled with HIV.


  21. “It's been said, but now I feel it more than ever. I am the real-life Jason Bourne! Let it be said, let it be known. Somewhere between that character and Noah” . quoted from your facebook page,you really are in another world arent you?


  22. I have never once gone for access or claimed to want access, paying to see my son where he's being held captive like some circus pony. I will tolerate, (nor will my son), his abuser, abductor and groomer, trying to afford us the privilege of being in each others lives. The very act of abuse, abduction, alienation, renaming, hiding my son etc relieves them of the authority they seem to be assuming. My son and I will not be kept apart forever by such sick, controlling people. They may enjoy their state-sponsored abuse of my abducted, missing son for 5%-10% of his life, but my son and I will enjoy the rest of his life together without these sikko's near us,


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