240th Day Since my son was abused, abducted and kept hidden, by his malicious mother; NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN!

I continue to be a voice for my abused, abducted, missing, renamed, groomed, drugged and enslaved boy.
Milo Allodius ApStewart was maliciously kept from meeting another infant child by his malicious mother on the 15th November 2013 when he was just 36 days old. His mother did this by violently gripping him in the next room. My guests and I left to give the crazy bitch some space, when I returned an hour or two later she’d gone, taken our child and all our money. I have not seen my son since.
There was a succession of madness from my boy’s mother that fateful day. She hid the house keys, hid the car keys, tried registering our son’s birth without me on the birth certificate. She was almost picking a fight. She also provoked me all day and in the weeks until that day. She changed all her passwords and insisted all our cash be put into her account.
After seeing her violently grip our son and return home to find he’d been abducted (as well as me being locked out) I went and stayed with a relative. I emailed her saying I think she needs to get some help. Over the following days/ weeks this psychotic, erratic malicious mother refused to communicate in writing, called all of my friends and family and even my ex girlfriend alleging I was making her feel threatened. To this day she has refused to meet and speak, speak, resolve this dispute etc. Her and her family have campaigned to discredit me for what I witnessed, (and learning that her own father was ejected from his teaching career for being suspected of molesting a child) ….they also continue to use my abducted, missing son to bait/aggravate, ransom, emotionally torture frame and try and systematically criminalise me.
My son’s captors, abductors, druggers, enslavers, renamers and abusers have caused my son actual harm and continue to cause him actual loss; subjecting my abducted, missing son to poverty, abuse and forced-fatherlessness. I continue to offer my son his father and home (despite being illegally evicted from our home after my son’s abduction, despite being chased from my 2nd home AND MY COUNTRY because of them misleading more authorities. And despite then BEING CHASED FROM MY NEW HOME ABROAD AS A RESULT OF THEM MISLEADING LOCAL PEOPLE IN POWER).
I continue to offer my son a father and home and life of peace despite their attack on our life together, despite them holding my abducted son captive at an unknown address and despite them keeping me from my home and country with unlawful warrants and unconstitutional courts orders, all fabricated from misleading complaints and applications, fabricated evidence etc.
I continue to appeal to these controlling, abusive, repressive, misguided people to return my abducted, missing son to his father and home. drop all attempts to kidnap me and abduct my child to force us into contract and just consult ME AND MY SON, so that proper, democratic, just, lawful and consensual actions can take place. The British Government is evidently tyranny and a false democracy. The mother of my son and her family are evidently abusive, controlling, deceiving, misleading, lying, secretive, unlawful, unconstitutional, malicious, perverted, incestuous and completely un trusted, and unable to properly care for the boy they physically abused, groomed and stole from me, HIS FATHER, and our home.
I remain a voice for missing Milo who remains, for the 240th day, abducted and missing and held captive by a suspected child molester, a physically abusive, malicious mother and enslaved and drugged by a tyrant, false-democracy state.
I will take no part in what my boy is being subjected to. Despite two failed attempts to frame and criminalise me, two failed attempts to kidnap me and force me into contact in my capacity as a citizen where fathers have no rights. The only winners I see in what my exploited child and his mother are being subjected to is the lawyers and banks, the only loser I see neither me or his mother, just our son. 

Special thanks has to go to Fathers4Justice, many of the Facebook pages concerning parental alienation, child abuse, child abduction, malicious mother syndrome and the name fraud, not to mention my huge global network of support who have been helping me get through this traumatic nightmare. 
I will always love and care for my abducted, missing son. But I will never give into tyranny, terrorism, ransom or abuse. So I remain chased from my country after failed attempts to kidnap me and my son remains abducted and captive at an unknown address.
I continue my public appeal to my abducted, missing son’s captors and abductors to denounce his unlawful citizenship, to return him to the safety of his home and father and life of peace. I demand his mother drop her frivolous, misleading and deceitful applications to the courts and complaints to the police. Stop putting up obstacles between me and my son, so that as a result of our son having his father in his life she succeed in her attempt to get away with child abuse and abduction. I expect my son’s malicious mother, by her own accord, to seek professional help, return our son to his father and home and stop attempting to raise our child with everyone but me. 
Deborah Stewart,  West Yorkshire Area
(hiding in shame and keeping my son hidden from me) 
Emotionally and Physically Abusive, Malicious, Psychotic Mother

Deborah Stewart of West Yorkshire is determine to force fatherlessness onto the child we created, a child she abducted and continues to hold captive at an unknown address while her family use him for ransom, emotional torture and to try and eject me from my abducted, missing son’s life permanently. 
I will not be disincentivized from my responsibilities of fathering my son, protecting his inherent rights and freedoms, ensuring that no harm comes to him. The harm and loss his mother and her family and our government, have subjected my son to, I WILL CONTINUE TO EXPOSE THEM FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST ME AND MY SON.
His citizenship and vaccination has been done by way of abduction from his home and father, who expressly denies consent. My son’s been renamed and exploited in a number of ways. I want absolutely no part in this British Government sponsored abuse, abduction, enslavement, drugging and abuse of my son. I continue to offer my son a safe and peaceful home under a true democracy and my willingness as his father to protect and care for him to the best of my abilities.

Endorsers and parties to this state-sponsored abuse, abduction, ransom and alienation of my boy include; 
Leeds Crown Court, Leeds City Council, West Yorkshire Police, South Wales Police, Child Social Services
NSPCC, MP Alun Cairns and the Sick Sick Sick Stewart family………..

David Stewart, 7 Newall Mount, Otley, West Yorkshire, LS21 2DY
Calculating, Controlling, Sly and Deceiving Child Molester

Latest email from this child molester (the source of evil praying on my defenceless abducted, exploited, missing boy) – 22/07/2014

“Buckler: Read this carefully: I hope it is the last time I ever communicate with you. Ever since you abandoned my daughter in November your emails have been monitored and archived.  After  today’s court case, the outcome of which I am sure you are aware, this will no longer be necessary, and after I have pushed the “send” button I am instructing my ISP to return all your emails unread. You have hurt me and my family in so many ways.  Fortunately we have all pulled together and sorted out the mess that you left behind, and are a stronger and closer family as a result.  The worst hurt that you caused me personally was the shattering of trust between us.  I welcomed you into our family, I welcomed you into my house where you stayed for a time, I guaranteed your contract with Stockeld, and I invested in your business.  You have totally broken my trust: one of the worst things one man can do to another. If you ever dare show your face in the UK again, or in any country which has an extradition treaty with the UK., I shall encourage and fully cooperate with all the authorities (Border Control, Police, Inland Revenue, Economic Crime Unit, The Courts – to name a few who are keen to interview you)  to make sure you are brought to justice and put behind bars.  The police are keen to arrest you for several offences. “Freeman”?  Unable to return to the UK.  Unable to see your family.  Unable to access services such as the NHS.  Unable to get a visa to visit the USA, etc.  Unable to open a bank account.  And unable to see Milo ever again.  Doesn’t sound very free to me, more like a prison. Now piss off “

My response to this sick individual and my renamed, missing son’s other abusers, captors and exploiters – 23/07/2014

CC:  “Ingham, Karina” “Serena.James@south-wales.pnn.police.uk” ,
 “leedsdfcprivatelawgeneralenquiries@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk” ,
 “administrativecourtoffice.leeds@hmcts.x.gsi.gov.uk” ,
 “general.enquiries@leeds.gov.uk” “hearings@leeds.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk” ,
 Debs Stewart ,  pukka_pete_ ,  “jez.stewart@hotmail.co.uk” ,
 “help@nspcc.org.uk” ,  New Fathers 4 Justice ,
 René Ceulen ,  “Enquiries (UK Supreme Court)” ,
 Council Comm ,  “rosie.winterton.mp@parliament.uk” ,
 “CAIRNS, Alun” ,  “jake.berry.mp@parliament.uk” ,
 “Becky.Neilson@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk” ,
 “Claire.Salkeld@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk” ,  “Peter.Doyle@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk” ,
 “Bob.Stead@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk” ,  “Jenny.Sabanskis@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk” ,
 “Stuart.Reardon@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk” “Chris.King@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk”

Why are you/ your office letting this suspected child molester and a physically abusive mother hold my abducted son captive at an unknown location while they EVIDENTLY try to keep me from my abducted, missing by attempting to discredit, frame, criminalise and ex-communicate me ?
Have you even read http://waveisfake.com ?
This social fraudsters hides behind fake identifies to bait and aggravate me online. 

This is barbaric, inhumane, unlawful and unconstitutional. A COMPLETE BETRAYAL AND DIS SERVICE TO MY ABDUCTED, MISSING SON! More shockingly this abduction, abuse and exploitation of MY SON, (WHO IS ALSO BEING USED FOR RASOM AND TO CAUSE ME EMOTIONAL TORTURE),  seems to be state-supported.
Where is my son, what has he been renamed to, what chemicals have been injected into him? when will he be returned to his father and our home? why is his physically abusive mother and child molesting grandfather being permitted to hold my son captive and continue their sick campaign to force fatherlessness onto my abducted, missing son? Why is their effort to get away with child abuse, abduction, grooming and forced-fatherlessness STATE SPONSORED?
I have been illegally evicted from my home, chased from my country and life of peace by my son’s abusive, deceiving, abusers, abductors and captors. This is the 250th day of this nightmare and counting. 

For the 250th day my abused and abducted son remains hidden from me while his abusers. abductors m and captors attempt to force fatherlessness, drug-abuse, poverty, sexual abuse and physical abuse onto their victim. MY SON!

Sick sick sick people. I remain a voice for my abducted, missing son and I remain in absolute protest of everything the Stewart family are subjecting us both to. 
I appeal to you Deborah and your family, stop doing this to my son. He still has a willing, able, loving and caring father. Hiding my abducted son from me and chasing me from my own home, life of peace and country will not silence me from being a voice for my defenceless son, it will not make me give up on promoting my love for my son and your violations of his most basic human rights.
It will not help you in your campaign to get away with child abuse and abduction and all the other cruel, inhumane things your doing to my abducted, missing, renamed son. And me, his powerless father. 
Concerned FATHER
Peter Stewart, 27 collage road, blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 8BQ
Moral Hazard – Dishonourable, Deceiving and Disloyal
Jeremy Stewart, 26 Kineholme Dr, Otley, LS21 3LX

Lisa Stewart, 26 Kineholme Dr, Otley, LS21 3LX

21 thoughts on “240th Day Since my son was abused, abducted and kept hidden, by his malicious mother; NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN!”

  1. Ah OK I see now, so the reason you won't return to the UK to attend the courts to get access or custody is because you have arrest warrants outstanding there. That makes a lot more sense.

    Really though, two of your main complaints seem to be that he has been vaccinated and had his birth registered ??? what is so wrong with these, and as you are hiding abroad and refuse to return to the UK, then I can understand why his mother would make the decisions herself.

    They way you are going you will NEVER see your son again. They are not going to hand him over to you while you are on the run in a foreign country. If there is nothing in the warrants outstanding, come back to the UK, fight them, then go through the courts and be a proper father for your son, rather than just thinking of yourself !


  2. It's interesting how you think you have it all worked out Stewart family.
    I will not contract with the state or your family, despite this ransom attempt with my abducted, missing son.

    Good luck to you all, but my authority in all of this is my son, not anyone in uniform who my child's abductor misleads into being an obstruction between me and my son. Holding my abducted son captive at an unknown address and trying to force fatherlessness onto him in order to cover up physically abusing him. is a desperate act of a woman about to lose her son forever.

    Enjoy the time together while it lasts, I say.
    Absolutely comical how badly this psychopath I got knocked up, is failing as a mother.
    As the son of a father who suffered a similarly horrific injustice, I know exactly what I'm doing.

    My son's abusers, abductors, captors and enslaver,…. the same sicko's who secretly renamed, secretly re-housed, secretly abuse and continue to try secretly forcing fatherlessness on my abducted, missing son are only demonstrating to the world and my son how evil they are. The longer this misguided, malicious mother performs this great dis service to our son, and maintains this harm and loss she is causing our child, the more the depth of her evil can be determined.


  3. Who decided if I see my son?
    His abductor, abuser and captors?
    Comical. You are weak people.
    Let's see if you can keep doing what you're doing to my son by the time he's old enough to swing a punch at you and return himself home to his father.
    Then you'll have to consult us on your needs and get our consent and make proper plans.
    I'm just wondering what you expect the answers to be? I can tell your sick family in advance.
    My son and I will never let you into our lives again.
    Praying on a defenceless child and a powerless father and abusing your role as mother/grandfather is a sick sick thing to do to my abducted, missing son.
    Why not return him to his home and father. Stop this control and abuse.
    Get my consent for what you all want to do to MY SON, so that proper plans and arrangements can be made. My son's mother really is the most misguided, easily exploited fool I've ever met. Highly unfit to care for herself, to be lose in society and especially unfit to care for our son.


  4. By the time your son is old enough ? you really think he will remember you in 16 or so years time ?

    According to you the UK laws don't apply to you, and the warrants are null as they were addressed to Mr Buckler ? if that is the case then why don't you go back to the UK and see him ? As far as I can see you are hiding and have made no effort to see him unless he is delivered to your doorstep.

    You talk about his life quality being reduced, he isn't even a year old, he will be happy wherever he is ! And he isn't being held captive, he is living with his mother, which is not that unusual. Perhaps she doesn't want to tell you where he is in case you send your 'soldiers' over for him :/

    Would he not be better off having a father who lived nearby and could drop round and visit him ?

    Answer the question honest please, why won't you return to the UK to arrange things with the courts ? what are you so scared of ?


  5. I do like listening to your rants though, you are possibly the most egotistical man I have ever seen, you really need to take a look at yourself.


  6. After extensive research I have uncovered why Mr Buckler is acting in this way. Why he accuses people of paedophilia. Why he is changing his name.

    Far from David Stewart being a molesting father, it was in fact Hywel's father, who molested his son throughout childhood. Hywel was subjected to nightly bummings. His mother was aware of the abuse and also had sex with Hywel. I have uncovered details of an abortion she had which appear to be with Hywel's child. The eviction from the Buckler family home was as a result of the property owner discovering this abuse. Although too scared to go to the police, he did evict them from the property.
    After joining the army, Hywel's abuse continued. Such a weak pathetic specimen he was regularly abused. in turn, as is often the case, the abused became the abuser. I have recently received documentation regarding Mr Buckler's court martial, resulting in his dishonorable discharge from the army. He had been abusing many small boys whilst he was stationed overseas.
    Out of the army Mr Buckler found opportunities to abuse more limited. He therefore started tech businesses to con people but also to serve as a cover for his burgeoning paedophile ring. The money he stole was used to set up outposts for his ring in countries less likely to investigate his crimes.
    By now Mr Buckler had created a dual life, one half of which sucked in the Stewart family, who were unaware of his past. Shortly after the birth of his son, Mr Buckler found the police were closing in on him. His behavior became more erratic, resulting in his girlfriend, unaware of his crimes, leaving him and Mr Buckler having to flee the country. Mr Buckler is now projecting many of his crimes onto David Stewart and is seeking to gain custody of his child so that he can abuse him in The Dominican Republic. I have also recently uncovered Mr Buckler's dark net websites offering children for abuse. Money paid to Mr Buckler as investment in Wave is being syphoned to this site, evidence of which I have found analysing the block chain for payments made from Wave Bitcoin wallets.


  7. There are a lot of childish videos, images and boring hour long rants on this blog but I see no actual evidence of anything.


  8. School “role calls” (we call them registers in the UK) are a perfectly sensible way of determining who is and isn't in school that day. In the event of an emergency, say a fire, it's kind of useful to know who's still trapped in a burning building. How exactly would you address this, when from week to week children are using their name of choice? It's almost as if you've given your grandiose plans literally no thought, isn't it, you pathetic child?

    Seriously, you think you're intelligent and espousing new, interesting and ground breaking ideas, but you're just a fucking idiot. None of what you say makes any sense. I seriously think you have a mental illness.

    And let's not overlook your Facebook page stating that children own their bodies and should be respected, whilst as the same time you subscribe to the “Rack of the day” app. You clearly have a lot of respect for individuals and their bodies, don't you?

    And your “groundbreaking” technology is just shit. I mean, really shit. It has no redeeming features whatsoever. Your crack team of fucking retards has achieved in years what would take a reasonable developer a few weeks tops. And of course none of that matters because it's not commercially viable anyway.

    I'll leave you with this link:


    Please look at this link from a purely objective point of view. Can you honestly say that you don't tick most of those boxes? Again, please consider your mental health and the fact you need help.


  9. Where is my son you sick fuck!
    How's he doing you sick fucks.
    Tell me where you've taken him, how he's doing. Stop using my abducted, missing son to try and get away with abusing, abducting, grooming, renaming, drugging, enslaving MY SON!
    Your the sickest family I've ever known. I'm so glad I've exposed you sick bastards to the world.
    I'll continue to expose you and my son will learn what your doing.

    He remains abducted and missing, I remained obstructed from my home, country, life of peace and son. Stop doing this to us. I'm powerless and my son is defenceless.

    Return my son to his father and home and whatever you want consult us.
    I don't respond to ransoms. What you're family are doing is sick, very disturbing and considering you've not made a dent to my life, all you're doing is performing a huge dis service to the child your family abducted from his father, home and life of peace.


  10. Stop being jealous that your whole corrupt family can't get ahead of little old me. (One man)
    The fact you need to all team up on me and use my abducted, missing son just shows how completely pathetic and weak you are as a family.

    Your doing nothing more than making a complete mockery of the Stewart family name.
    My son will denounce his citizenship, restore his equitable title and have his father's families honourable surname before liberating himself from your captivity and return himself to his father and home.
    The thing I absolutely can't wait for!!!! Because when he does this he and I will never look back at his sick mother and your sick family for the rest of our lives. So enjoy the time you hold my abducted child captive at an unknown location, because it will be a chapter in our lives we will both look forward to forgetting.

    Your making my son's and my life a nightmare. The fact I can be feelingless and tactical means in actual fact you've not really dented me or my life at all. I still love and care for my son, you've not made me give up on him despite everything you're doing and all your best efforts. You've not impacted my business or reputation in any way despite you campaigns to try and destroy and discredit it, and me, And you've certainly not hurt me, despite abducting and hiding my son, for 250 days, and susing him to try and emotionally torture me. Complete jokers, the lot of you. Trying to frame and criminalise me several times ….and failing at it, just shows how maliciously stupid you are as a family. Yes you've lied to police and courts, but that's your funeral. Because Police and Courts don't take kindly to social fraudsters using them for their own sick agenda's. Especially child abuse.


  11. All you're doing is holding the child you abducted, captive at an unknown address so you can use him for emotional torture, ransom and exploit him in other ways (sexual abuse etc). You're 250 day campaign to force fatherlessness onto him just quantifies how sick his mother is. AND IT'S ALL PUBLIC, SO MY SON WILL LEARN ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO HIM…., and the different name his sick mother gave him won't stick.

    Keep trying to do what you're doing you child abusing, abducting, grooming, exploiting social fraudsters. I'm journaling everything you're doing. My son still has a willing, loving and caring father, a home and the longer you keep him abducted, enslaved, drugged, hidden, excommunicated from his father, exposed to his child molesting grandfather and risk of mor PHYSICAL ABUSE OF HIS SICK MOTHER, the more you're putting nails in your own coffins.

    My abducted, missing son's mothers and her families abusive, incestuous, controlling and deceitful nature is not the way to behave in this day and age. Evil families like yours are a cancer to this planet. What you are subjecting MY CHILD to is a violation of nearly all of him human rights. What you're trying to subject me to is a violation of my rights. and statutes are null and void when rights are being violated, so you can stop trying to use statutes to try and get away with child abuse, abduction, alienation and contact denial (another form of child abuse).

    My position remains unchanged. I can hold my position for a lot longer than his poor, broken minded, malicious, abusive mother can. So stop digging your own graves as a family and just return my son to his father and home. Denounce his unlawful citizenship. Remove all the obstacles you've put between me and my son (fake police complaints, misleading and deceiving court applications).

    The fact remains his mother and her family are the only ones to cause my son actual harm. They are the only ones to expose him to actual harm. They are the only ones to have abused him. They are the only ones to have groomed him and violated him human rights. The only ones to use him for exploitation, emotional torture etc.



  12. For the 240 something day you have held my abducted son captive at an unknown location while you attempt to force fatherlessness onto him. You have failed to get me to give up on fulfilling my responsibilities as a father. Despite his mothers incestuous, child molesting grandfather trying to hijack my role during his attempt to groom and sexually molester my abducted, missing son.
    You have failed to get me to give up on my son and exposing you herd of child abusers who are performing a huge dis-service to my abducted child, whom you renamed and continue to hold captive and keep hidden from his father at an unknown address while you use him to try and emotionally torture, bait and aggravate and frame and criminalise me. Another lame attempt to force fatherlessness onto my abducted, missing son. The fact remains I am a good father, I provided and continue to provide my son a high standard of care and life of peace and a willing, loving and caring active father. His mother (and all those who have assisted in de-railing and reducing his quality of life and standard of living,…. in order to try and justify and get away with physical and emotional abuse, child-abduction and grooming MY VERY OWN FLESH AND BLOOD), ARE SICK!! This is barbaric, inhumane, unlawful and unconstitutional. It's not in good faith in any way!!


    Denounce my son's citizenship and unsubscribe him from the false name/ identity that's been ascribed to him (by way of abduction and complete disregard for my letter of conditional acceptance to the state) COMPLETELY UN DEMOCRATIC. You've skipped out the entire democratic process. These are the acts of a cult, not a democracy. My abducted, missing son has only been contracted by way of abduction and under complete duress. (I speak on his behalf)

    Drop all of the obstacles you've put between me and my son. I will not be ransomed or kidnapped into contracting with the state or my son's mother. Trying to use my son to force me is just ransom and exploitation of my abducted, missing son. Stop trying to afford me and my abducted, missing son the privilege of being in each others lives. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE. It's not yours to try and afford us, physically and emotionally abusive (drug-abusing, child abducting) mother or an unlawful, unconstitutional state which acts more like the kangaroo court of a de-sensitised, passified cult. You'll be held to account by me and my son and ejected from our lives of peace, ones my son stops being helpless and defenceless and once I'm no longer powerless.

    All this sick abuse of power is showing is how evil, barbaric, inhumane, deceitful and immoral my abducted missing child's captors and abusers are. I want no part in your cult or these gross violations of my son's inherent human rights.


  13. Sigh 🙂

    If these allegations they have made are fake, then you will have no problem returning to the UK to fight for your son will you ? Admit it, you are scared to come back here because you will be arrested, and don't want to fight them in court because you know your weird legal ideas won't work in a court of law.

    If anyone is doing your son a disservice then it is you by sitting on the other side of the world, spouting off on a blog, but not having the guts to actually do anything to get him back.

    You keep saying you want them to return him to you – they have said they want to do it properly throug the courts, so you are at a stalemate, and if anything, they are the ones trying to sort it out in the proper way, not you by demanding they return him to you in a foreign country.

    I don't think you care about your son at all ! All this is just about trying to score points against them, and the only reason you want him is because you think it will be taking something from them they want, which is pretty pathetic !


  14. Oh dear Mr Buckler, you pathetic child, I seem to have angered you. But I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not a Stewart. I am the world that you so joyously have exposed these “sick bastards” to.


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